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Packing for Two

Okay, I know that I mentioned this in yesterday's posting, but I still can't believe how crazy it is to pack for a baby for a weekend. Seriously, the list for what I need to take for Giada just keeps growing and growing. Only about a third of the suitcase is full of stuff for me. I just have to say that I am going to look hot in the two outfits that I will wear for the four days I will be gone :) Oh well, at least Gia's going to look adorable!

The flight should be interesting; I hope that it's not too full so that I can have some room for me and the baby. I also hope that if someone is 'blessed' to sit by us, that person will be patient and kind. I hope it all goes well. As for the trip, I am more excited for my aunt to see Giada than I am for Disneyland. Isn't that funny? I am looking forward to seeing how my aunt will react to her, and Giada's reaction. She loves the attention, so I'm sure it will be wonderful for both of them. And, I'll have a couple of people that will be more than willing to hold my baby for me while I go on rides! Whoo-hoo!

I will give details about our trip when I get back! Have a wonderful weekend all of you, and Happy Pioneer Day!


  1. Haha have fun!!! I wish I could go with you to Disneyland!!!!!!!!

  2. So fun to introduce your child to family members. Have fun at Disneyland! Can't wait to see the pics.

  3. I so know how you feel. When our family went to New Mexico we had to ask Mike and Amy to borrow their SUV cause we couldn't fit everything in my honda. Peter and me had 1 suitcase for the both of us and the rest of the SUV was packed with stuff all for Tristan. Its craziness!!


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