So, I had my baby, of course, since it's been three months since my last submission; I decided to do a quick update of what I'd missed, and then hopefully stay caught up on the times from now on...
Birth-three weeks
I would love to say that this time went quickly, and it did, despite the fact that I was awake for most of it. Gia could only manage to sleep every hour and a half or so at this point. I got to know our television really well; especially the infomercials. It's a good thing that I hate shopping!
One month- two months
At this point, Giada was almost military with her feeding times and naps. Every three hours I could count on a dirty diaper, feeding her a full meal, and letting her nap until the 'magical 3' started all over again. I would love to say that I got a lot done while Gia rested, but I actually was either sleeping myself, or curled up in the fetal position in the corner of my bedroom with bloodshot eyes. At least she's the cutest baby ever!
Three months-
Baby blessing day! Gia was all dressed in white, and about ready to go, when Mommy laid out the cute shawl for her baby to be wrapped up, and realized there was a ginormous catholic cross stitched on the center (in my defense, the shawl was wrapped in a plastic envelope bag when I bought it)! SO, technically, Gia was blessed AND christened! At least we covered all of the bases!
Some highlights:
Gia is a flirt. I have caught her 'batting her incredibly long eyelashes' to several baby boys on many occasions. Dad jokes about buying a shotgun to ward off boys, but we might actually need to invest in a shock collar for our own daughter!
Like her mother, Gia has her fake cry, and multitude of facial expressions pretty much nailed. Most people fall prey to the fake cry, but mom wins sympathy awards by bursting out laughing when her daughter 'cries'. The trembling chin is a nice touch as well. The only time the trembling chin is to be taken seriously, is when Gia's cold.
Apparently, Gia was born to grin. The pediatrician said that most babies don't really smile until they are at least eight to nine weeks old, and even then, it's occasional. Gia was born smiling. I have the gory pics to prove it, but to save my dignity (as much as you can with childbirth), I will not post those pictures here. However, a smile is a sign of mental development (no, not gas), and so I am relieved to report that at least I can document where my lost brain cells went during pregnancy; I have the happiest baby in the world.
We have had many adjustments in our lives these past few months, but would I change it for the world? Absolutely not. I do declare that I think that women with two children are angels (women with five or more children are crazy), but that women are so amazing to be able to bear and raise children, and still keep their sanity and looks.
Birth-three weeks
I would love to say that this time went quickly, and it did, despite the fact that I was awake for most of it. Gia could only manage to sleep every hour and a half or so at this point. I got to know our television really well; especially the infomercials. It's a good thing that I hate shopping!
One month- two months
At this point, Giada was almost military with her feeding times and naps. Every three hours I could count on a dirty diaper, feeding her a full meal, and letting her nap until the 'magical 3' started all over again. I would love to say that I got a lot done while Gia rested, but I actually was either sleeping myself, or curled up in the fetal position in the corner of my bedroom with bloodshot eyes. At least she's the cutest baby ever!
Three months-
Baby blessing day! Gia was all dressed in white, and about ready to go, when Mommy laid out the cute shawl for her baby to be wrapped up, and realized there was a ginormous catholic cross stitched on the center (in my defense, the shawl was wrapped in a plastic envelope bag when I bought it)! SO, technically, Gia was blessed AND christened! At least we covered all of the bases!
Some highlights:
Gia is a flirt. I have caught her 'batting her incredibly long eyelashes' to several baby boys on many occasions. Dad jokes about buying a shotgun to ward off boys, but we might actually need to invest in a shock collar for our own daughter!
Like her mother, Gia has her fake cry, and multitude of facial expressions pretty much nailed. Most people fall prey to the fake cry, but mom wins sympathy awards by bursting out laughing when her daughter 'cries'. The trembling chin is a nice touch as well. The only time the trembling chin is to be taken seriously, is when Gia's cold.
Apparently, Gia was born to grin. The pediatrician said that most babies don't really smile until they are at least eight to nine weeks old, and even then, it's occasional. Gia was born smiling. I have the gory pics to prove it, but to save my dignity (as much as you can with childbirth), I will not post those pictures here. However, a smile is a sign of mental development (no, not gas), and so I am relieved to report that at least I can document where my lost brain cells went during pregnancy; I have the happiest baby in the world.
We have had many adjustments in our lives these past few months, but would I change it for the world? Absolutely not. I do declare that I think that women with two children are angels (women with five or more children are crazy), but that women are so amazing to be able to bear and raise children, and still keep their sanity and looks.
Love this post! Esp. the part about her fake cry that you identify with. Thanks for reminding me what my June and July are going to look like after our baby comes (wrapped up in fetal position in the corner of my room) - reality checks are always good:) So glad you've had such a heavenly time with Gia.