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Week 31-Baby Shower!

So on Saturday, my friend Shereen, from the bank, threw me the most incredible baby shower. She made incredible food; like curry chicken salad sandwiches, veggies, fruits, lime rickeys, lil’ smokies, and Leslee’s most famous carrot cake with that dreamy cream cheese frosting that I’m pretty sure I would die for. Several of my good friends from work showed up and gave my little girl some darling gifts. I am afraid, though (and I fully admit that this is my fault), that my daughter might think that there exists only one color in the world. Since her nursery is purple, and my favorite color is purple, I received a lot of great looking purple items, along with darling pink outfits, blankets, etc.

Baby girl is also going to look like me, as she already has several cute little pairs of shoes for her little feet. If you were to ask Daddy which pair he likes best? He would definitely claim that the two pairs of baby Air Jordan booties definitely win over all other shoes. Thanks, Latai!

If I were to choose the best gift that I received? I would say that the friends that I have made while working at the bank are the best presents that money could never buy. They have all been so supportive and so excited for me! I have waited a long time to get pregnant, and the road has been long and hard. It’s funny that family and close friends are there for me and happy with the excitement of my life. However, most things in life occur during the working days, so my co-workers have seen me go through most everything, good or bad, over the past six years. I appreciate and value their friendships and generosity.

I am still doing well; tired as usual, but I can still sleep through the night, with the usual three potty breaks during my rest. Picking up things that I have clumsily dropped on the floor no longer happens. I usually ask my sweet husband to do it for me. I probably should just stop trying to be graceful at this point.
Rob and I have been very fortunate and blessed thus far in our lives. We look forward to another week of adventures as our baby ‘princess’ continues to ‘bake’ for another week.

Thanks for reading!

Here are some of the decorations of the baby shower:

May the Force be with you 'til next week!


  1. O Rei Rob e a Rainha Mel, estão felizes comma vinda da pricesinha Fugazza I, que cetrtamente será uma grande alegria não só para os pais, mas, certamente para os Avós.
    Oramos e torcemos por voces Mel & Bob, e sabemos que a princesinha será linda, pois os pais são lindos.
    Amamos voces muiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiito, e agora que a familia de voces crescerá, os amamos muito mais, felicidades voces merecem!
    Vô RFugazza


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