I have loved reading the Doctrine and Covenants this year so far. And even though we're only a couple of weeks in, I have seen Joseph Smith in a new light. But, before I go on, I must say, you MUST read The Saints vol. 1. And then you MUST read The Saints vol. 2. Okay, now that I've thrown that out there, let's get on with the reason for my post, shall we? As I said, I have loved seeing Joseph Smith in a new light. As in, seeing him as a normal kid, who, at a young age, had an infection spread to his leg that settled in his bone. Back then, pain medication was limited, but before he even knew about the Word of Wisdom, he refused to drink any alcohol for pain management, because it didn't feel right to him. Wow. Joseph spent the following years of his life searching for a church to not only join, but more importantly, to help him to repent for his sins and find forgiveness from God. His family joined churches, but Joseph just couldn't really commit to any one org...
Keeping Memories