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Showing posts from February, 2010

An update, finally!

So, I had my baby, of course, since it's been three months since my last submission; I decided to do a quick update of what I'd missed, and then hopefully stay caught up on the times from now on... Birth-three weeks I would love to say that this time went quickly, and it did, despite the fact that I was awake for most of it. Gia could only manage to sleep every hour and a half or so at this point. I got to know our television really well; especially the infomercials. It's a good thing that I hate shopping! One month- two months At this point, Giada was almost military with her feeding times and naps. Every three hours I could count on a dirty diaper, feeding her a full meal, and letting her nap until the 'magical 3' started all over again. I would love to say that I got a lot done while Gia rested, but I actually was either sleeping myself, or curled up in the fetal position in the corner of my bedroom with bloodshot eyes. At least she's the cutest baby eve...