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Showing posts from August, 2010

Cat Food vs. Baby Food

Now that Giada's eating solids, there have been many exciting new tastes that she has enjoyed. Her favorite dinner foods include chicken nuggets, peas, and small tastes of a cookie. For breakfast? Cheerios, sucking and biting on a piece of bagel, and homemade apple sauce. Now, as far as lunch goes, she just snacks on things, like cheese (which she LOVES; not only is she the spitting image of Rob, but also adores cheese like her father), crackers, and apparently, CAT FOOD. I can't even tell you how many times I see her hovering around the cat food dishes. Now, you are probably asking yourself, "What kind of a mother would leave out the cat's food dishes for the baby to find?" Oh, okay, so first of all, whoever is thinking that, they either have never had a child, or they no longer live on this planet because they are PERFECT. I have taken the dishes away, and swept and mopped my floors, but apparently, Giada still seems to find a disgusting fish, chicken or beef f...


Okay, so the last time I wrote on my blog, it was like two weeks ago. I took Giada to visit my aunt in CA, and we had a great visit! Though it was too fast, we were able to take Gia to Disneyland (pics to follow, when I get my arse in gear and upload them to my computer from the camera), and most importantly, we visited our uncle that is very sick with cancer in an assisted living facility. If you were to ask me what my favorite part of our trip was, it wouldn't be Disneyland, amazingly enough. Though the churros were way hot and fresh, and the rides were memorable, as well as the tear inducing fireworks show; visiting a bunch of elderly people with a baby was way more entertaining. The first person to get to know Giada at the nursing home was my uncle's mother, who is 100 years old. We were afraid that my daughter was going to crush the poor woman. Instead, Giada admired her shirt buttons, and rings on her fingers. In response, auntie gave Gia a beautiful 'specimen' ...