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Showing posts from November, 2009

Week 38 (Almost): Delivery!

On Tuesday, November 10th, I was scheduled for yet another Non-Stress Test, weight ultrasound, and a check up with the good old OB. Little did Rob and I know, that we would be meeting our little girl less than 24 hours from then. We went through the ultrasound where the doctor determined that the baby weighed around 7 lbs. 5 oz. He said that we should probably have the baby within the next week. After the ultrasound, we had the non-stress test, where the baby’s movements and activity were a little off. After a half an hour of determining whether things were good or not, the nurses finally called over to my OB to see what needed to be done. Since I was scheduled to meet with my OB right afterwards, we were handed the print off of the latest NST results, and sent to see my OB in person. After doing the usual weighing in, etc, my doctor announced that after looking over my NST results, she had decided to induce me that very night! Rob and I were ecstatic! She went on to explain that the ...

Week 37: Down to the Wire

So, in short explanation of my status, this baby should be arriving anytime between now and the week before Thanksgiving! I can’t believe it! The poor girl is just getting bigger and bigger! We have an ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday, November 10th, where they will weigh and measure the baby. If she’s just HUGE, which I guess she will be, I will be induced either that week or in the beginning of the following week. Since my mom is flying in on the 17th, I am going to try and wait for her to come, but if the baby needs to come earlier, mom will have to figure out how to get here before then. I have literally bought everything that I need to prepare me for absolutely everything baby. At least what every book, magazine and associate has told me that I need. All I need to do now is find a good pediatrician. I got a great recommendation from a friend; I just need to make the call. That will be my priority this week. After that is in order, I guess I will literally be at home, waiting...