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Showing posts from October, 2009

The Final Countdown

This past week, Rob and I learned the plans that my doctor had for our little girl’s arrival. My blood sugars have been stabilized; however, she’s still bigger right now than normal. Her growth should be at a normal pace from now on, but since she started early, my doctor said she will absolutely not let the baby come at week 40. We are going to have another ultrasound at week 38 (November 9th-15th), and depending on her weight, my doctor will decide to induce me that week, or the following week. SO, the good news is that we are going to have this baby before the week of Thanksgiving! The bad news is that I can’t go and see the New Moon movie until after the little girl is born. Yet, if that’s the worst thing, then I am perfect! Rob and I spent a good part of our Saturday yesterday getting last minute baby items, and organizing the nursery. I washed the baby’s clothes and linens (Gain detergent, by the way, smells the best), and put most of her stuff away. Tonight for F.H.E. we ‘pack...

33 Weeks down... How many more to go?

Well this past week has flown by, at least with the growth and development of our baby girl. Other than weighing a bit more than what she should be at this point (thanks to the gestational diabetes), she’s been fairly cooperative with the doctors. Other than making antenatal nurses madly chase her around my belly with fetal monitors to just check and see if she’s active, she is passing her tests with flying colors. I have been very impressed with the medical care that I’ve received over these past few weeks. These doctors and nurses don’t mess around; they get me the help that I need before I even know that I am in need of something. I have a few assignments; fax in my blood sugars every three days and start a bout of insulin shots, which is, ironically, a blessing. The best thing about all of the blood sugar hoopla is that it’s not my fault! I have been doing my job, but apparently the placenta is not making me look good. At least doctors are blaming something other than me! Rob a...